About the Journal

This page contains:

  1. Brief History of the Journal
  2. Focus and Scope
  3. Editorial and Peer Review Process
  4. Open Access Policy
  5. Article Processing Charges
  6. Plagiarism Report

Brief History of the Journal

The Multidisciplinary Journal of Technical University of Mombasa (MJTUM) is an open access journal that aims to publish original research papers of high standard. The Journal encourages multidisplinary contributions and offers a forum for academics and researchers to showcase research processes and methodologies. The Journal features substantive articles, research work, review essays, and book reviews that combines the study of systems, methodologies and investigations traversing multidisciplinary fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and other scholarly disciplines as well as the related social sciences and humanities.

Focus and Scope

The Multidisciplinary Journal of Technical University of Mombasa (MJTUM) provides an avenue for the wide dissemination of high-quality multidisciplinary research accessible to all researchers in academia and research institutions with a focus on engineering, applied and health sciences, social science, business, tourism and hospitality, and information technology. This is central to the goal of promoting knowledge, science and technology where research and innovation are the key catalysts in serving both community and industry for sustainable development.

The Journal publishes original research articles in all spheres of sciences including, but are not limited to theoretical studies; engineering, renewable energy and green concept; applied sciences and healthcare; business, development and entrepreneurship; tourism, hospitality and media; social sciences, blue economy; information and communication, cities and coasts, climate/environment, economics, Geo Science (GPS), Opera/Theater, population /Demography, quantitative methods.

In addition, MJTUM features robust review articles and short communications. The journal from time to time, publishes special issues on major events or important thematic issues. Submitted articles are subjected to standard peer-review process prior to publication.

Manuscript submissions should preferably be made via the submission page here. Any queries and further editorial correspondence should be sent by email to the Chief Editor, editormjtum@tum.ac.ke  Details concerning the preparation and submission of articles can be accessed at http://journals.tum.ac.ke/ on OJS site.

Disclaimer: Statements in the Journal reflect the views of the authors, and not necessarily those of Technical University of Mombasa, the editors or publisher.

Editorial and Peer Review Process

MJTUM is a peer reviewed scientific journal with a thorough editorial screening and assessment process made up of several stages. When articles are submitted the editorial team perform an initial quality screening to identify potential issues such as competing interests and compliance with editorial policies and ethical standards. The editor make decisions on submitted manuscript based on scientific objectivity and novelty. Submissions may be returned to author(s) for changes or clarifications at this stage. Unsuitable or poor-quality manuscripts may be rejected at this point.

After completing internal screens, each new submission is assigned to 2-3 editorial members or guest editors. The editor selects reviewers based on expertise, publication history, and past reviews, and invites them to provide feedback on the manuscript. The editors review the manuscript against MJTUM Publication Criteria and determine whether reviews from additional experts are needed to evaluate the manuscript.

MJTUM uses double-blind approach in manuscript review. The identity of the authors and their affiliation details are blanked out for reviewers to ensure a blind review. Author(s) are also not made aware of the identity of a reviewer. Reviewers are asked to complete the review within four weeks. They submit their reports via the online editorial system with a recommendation on the readiness of the paper for publication. The Editor-in-Chief reconciles the review reports and decides on the status of the manuscript accordingly. The time to render a first decision averages about 43 days, but times vary depending on how long it takes for the Editor-in-Chief to receive and assess reviews.

Editorial Decisions

Accept - Manuscript has been accepted subject to minor or moderate revisions (galley proof requested).
Minor Revision -  Manuscript has been returned to the author(s) to address all reviewer comments in detail, with the possibility of resending for peer review
Major Revision - You are invited for re-submission altogether
Reject - Manuscript has been declined due to poor quality, or out of scope

Members of the Editorial Board may be called upon to make additional recommendations. The Editor-in-Chief has a final decision on the acceptance or rejection of all manuscripts. Decisions are communicated to the corresponding author in a formal email, along with reviewer feedback and any other requirements from the journal office


If the editor feels that the manuscript has the potential to be published, but requires changes, the author/s will be invited to revise it. A duration of 45 days will be given to resubmit the revised manuscript for both a major and a minor revision

Open Access Policy

MJTUM is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to users or / institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to full text articles in this journal, or use the articles for any other lawful purpose without asking prior permission from the publisher or author. This journal supports open Access principles that advocate for free availability of research publications as a way of supporting greater global exchange of knowledge. Authors of articles published in this journal remain the copyright holders, all articles published in MJTUM can be re-used, re-produced and shared according to the creative Commons license agreement (https://creativecommons.org/)

Article Processing Charges

All costs associated with publishing article in MJTUM are funded by Technical University of Mombasa. There are currently no Article Processing Charges to the author(s)

Plagiarism Report  

All manuscripts submitted to MJTUM must be accompanied by a plagiarism report from a reputable plagiarism checker, such as Turnitin. Manuscripts containing plagiarism will not be considered for publication in the journal. If plagiarism is brought to light after a manuscript has been published, MJTUM reserves the right to formally retract such manuscripts and publish statements to reference material as plagiarism